To celebrate the importance of our Kenyan Porridge Clubs, we would love you to get involved with World Porridge Day on 10th October 2019.
A reminder of some of the highlights of the Porridge Clubs programme:
For some children, a mug of porridge at school will be their only meal of the day.
Without receiving food at school, many children resort to working, scavenging or begging to feed themselves instead of going to school.
Each mug of porridge costs just 7 pence and over 2,000 are provided to children born into poverty in Kenya on every school day.
Daily servings of porridge lead to a reduction in school absenteeism, an increase in school enrolment and an improvement in examination results creating additional opportunities for a child into adulthood.
Please join us in the week commencing 7th October to celebrate all things porridge for World Porridge Day!
Perhaps you could host a porridge breakfast for your friends, family or colleagues, offering a range of delicious toppings in exchange for a donation? This is exactly what Juice Networking is doing on Tuesday 8th October!
If you run a cafe or coffee shop, would you consider donating 10p to African Children’s Fund for every portion of porridge sold that week?
If you visit our Faringdon, Grove or Witney charity shops, look out for our Porridge Pot posters and add your pound coins!
If you live or work in or near Witney, could you donate an hour of your time to help with our street collection on Thursday 10th October? Please get in touch if you would like to get involved.
Keep an eye out for oat-based treats as well!
We would love to hear what you’re doing to celebrate World Porridge Day to why not get in touch by email or on Facebook or Twitter to share your stories. Remember the hashtag #PenniesForPorridge!