2021: A Year in Review

Before we press on with our 2022 objectives, we like to start the new year with an opportunity for reflection on the previous 12 months.

An infographic describing various African Children's Fund highlights - in words and images - achieved during 2021

Despite continued disruption in the UK, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, we are once again exceptionally proud of the hard work undertaken by our volunteers at home and our partners overseas throughout 2021.

2021 started with concern about rising cases of malnutrition as Kenyan schools reopened, and ended with ongoing school closures in Uganda.

As this infographic shows, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have seen so many highlights:

  • The fortification of daily porridge in Kenyan school Porridge Clubs to provide additional nutrients to students and the expansion of the programme to an additional school.

  • Provision of rechargeable solar lights to children in 300 homes in and around Mutare in Zimbabwe, to help them study at home.

  • New ‘clean’ jiko ovens installed at Mwtingiri and Thamuru Primary Schools in Kenya.

  • New playground equipment at the Nsimbe Transit Home in Uganda.

  • The expansion of sanitary towel distribution and menstrual health programmes to schoolgirls in Tanzania.

  • New lunch clubs at Kenyan primary schools to support school Porridge Clubs.

  • Beds and bedding for the new dormitory at AIC Mukeu Special School in Kenya.

  • The introduction of a Health Officer and additional teacher at the Quentin Junior Academy in Tanzania.

  • Funding secured for a new toilet block at the Joy Children’s Centre in Kenya.

We also provided extra funding so the projects our partners support in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe could hold local Christmas celebrations, provide food hampers to the families most in need and incontinence pads to some of the children who normally board at the Special Schools we work with as they return home for the holidays.

As a small charity, our local partners simply wouldn’t have been able to deliver these fantastic results without your generous donations.

Thank you for supporting African Children’s Fund in 2021 and we hope you will continue to follow our journey in 2022. With our best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!