Kenyan Kitchen Repairs - Funding Secured

The inside of a hut with sparsely spread cooking pots and firewood. Light is coming through the corrugated iron roof and there are large cracks in the walls.

We have fabulous news this Wednesday!

In mid-July, regular supporters may remember we launched an emergency appeal to raise funds for kitchen repairs at Kiama and Muthuri Primary Schools, as they were badly damaged by severe flooding in the spring.

Your generosity led to donations totalling £1,000 towards these repairs.

We're delighted to confirm that we have just been awarded a grant of £7,500 from the EA Foundation, which will cover the remaining repairs budget AND will enable the installation of a jiko cooking stove at Muthuri.

These improvements will ensure both primary schools can continue to provide children with a daily meal that helps them go to school, rather than working, scavenging or begging on the streets with far more efficiency than current circumstances allow.

Thank you to everyone who donated to this special appeal, and a special thanks to the EA Foundation for recognising the urgency and impact that these repairs will bring.