Sanitation Appeal Update

A huge THANK YOU to everybody who has donated to our emergency Sanitation Appeal so far, either via Facebook or JustGiving. We're thrilled to have nudged through the £2,000 mark across both fundraising sites.

Three young children, washing their hands outside in a bowl of soapy water

Last week, Watoto Kwanza - our Kenyan partner - identified 100 of the poorest families in the Thika community in need of additional support. These families have children who normally benefit from Porridge Clubs and the Education All Month, Every Month programme at Thamuru, N’gate and Mwtingiri Primary Schools. Watoto Kwanza would like to provide these families with a care package consisting of maize, cooking fat, porridge mix, sugar, rice, soap and sanitary towels. Each care package costs around £15.

Of course, more funds mean our partners can provide soap, sanitisers and care packages to even more children and their families so please continue to give generously.

Despite the economic uncertainty for so many, are you saving money on something during this period of lockdown? Could you perhaps donate the value of a week of takeaway coffees? Or your commuting costs? Maybe you're saving on your monthly hair appointment, your lunchtime meal deals or meals out?

Remember, just £5 will provide soap and sanitisers to a family, while £15 will pay for a care package for a family living in poverty. Donating a share of this post on your preferred social media channels will also help raise further awareness. Please donate whatever you can afford. Thank you for your kindness.